


Geocaching is the technological evolution of treasure hunting: an exciting way to explore the world by searching for interesting places via GPS or specific apps. The game starts from the web, where information and geographical coordinates of the point to be reached are found, and continues in the environment until you discover the geocache, a small container with a diary that collects the trace of each finding.



Playing is very simple:

  • from the site or from the Geocaching® app (registration is free) you can find the geographic coordinates and the description of the geocache;
  • you go exactly to the indicated place to look for the geocache and, when you find it, you sign the logbook (a small booklet inside the geocache);
  • you share the experience on the web through the story of your research.


There are different types of geocaches hidden in the environment from those that are easy to find, that require a few minutes to be discovered, to those more difficult and complex, which may require the solution of a puzzle. Geocaches can be of different shapes and sizes, but the fundamental requirement is that they contain the visit register to be signed, the logbook, which consists of the real search objective.


After the discovery, both the geocache and the logbook must be put back exactly in their place, in order to allow future visitors to feel the same search emotions. In case the geocache contains some other objects or gadgets, they can be taken as long as you leave something of equal value.


Currently in Italy over 25,000 geocaches are published throughout the territory. The GeoTrail Cadore is a journey to discover the most interesting places of Cadore through the search for 9 geocaches.


The official and international geocaching site is


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